
Stereo Enhancer

A simple tool to enhance the stereo sound of your audio material.

GMulti is a three-band compressor with stereo enhancement and advanced visual feedback.
The input signal is split at user-defined frequencies into three bands. Each of these bands can be compressed independently and have its stereo width altered before being mixed back together.

This plug-in can be used to add stereo width to audio tracks. This plug-in is most effective on mono pad sounds and alike. This effect works with mono stream generating stereo stream. It also works with stereo streams, however both channels get processed independently of each other like they are mono streams and then two resulting stereo streams get mixed together to produce one stereo stream.

* SampleSlider
- utility for delay fix
- CC 94 delay length
* StereoStretcher
- stereo expander++ included phase inverter
- It can convert MONO signal into STEREO signal
- CC 10 panpot
* SFilter
- 8-type stereo IIR filter inherited from SH-1 Filter
- CC 71 resonance
- CC 74 cut off frequency
* SDynamics
- stereo compressor/expander/limiter based on T-SLEDGE
* SonicChorus
- 2-band multi phase chorus(4-type & 2-type lfo)
- Because of delay of the plugin(25-sample delay) if you want to use it as normal chorus, I recommend to use as insert effect.
- variable wave form LFO panning tremolo

Retro Sampling
Instead of expanding a stereo panorama it contracts it,
Eg. to make things sound further away (if combined with a lowering of the volume).

Big Tick Audio Software
This incredible free plugin has a unique feature: it can immediatly add warmth and complexity to the simplest sounds. With extreme settings, this effect can also generate special ambiences and bizarre sounds. Hexaline main features are:3 stereo delays with cross-feedbackParallel or serial modesUp to +/- 100% feedback for ambient special effects
Clone Ensemble
independent mixing, panning, EQ and overdrive control over each channel of a stereo track.

Brain Doc
Stereo-Enhancer is a VST-plugIn for the PC-platform for the modification of the stereo-width of a signal. The adjustment can be made for low, mid and high frequencies seperately. The separation of the frequency-bands is achieved by means of linear-phase FIR-filters. This is, because the sum of the three filtered (not yet modified) signals should sum up exactly to the original signal. From the use of FIR-technology results a quite high CPU-usage, because convolutions have to be implemented - sorry for that. The adjustment of the stereo image itself is based on amplifying/attenuating the difference of the respective channel with the mono-sum. This also implies, that the plugIn can’t be used to create pseudo-stereo signals from mono-signals, as this difference is exactly zero in this case. It’s just a Stereo-Enhancer, not a Stereo-Creator.

mdsp @ smartelectronix
This is a bunch of tools intended to process stereo streams but focusing on middle and side instead of left and right.
The idea is simple but the effects can be subtle and powerful.
::msEncode and msDecode::
These to ones are just converters mapping M -> L and S -> R so that you can put your own effects between the coder and the decoder. The effects below are just some hard-coded ones.
This one uses the same compression algorithm as my “classic” compressor, but focus on the Middle signal without touching at the Side. A typical use of this effect is to boost a mix without touching at the stereo image.
2 separate gains for the Middle and side signals.
it just swap the Middle and Side. You can use it before msComp if you want to compress the side instead of the Middle.
This is a simplified version of analog delay that you can use to delay either the middle or the side.

The Lower Rhythm
Important: This plugin in outdated - The Lower Rhythm has a new website, and a a new series of free plugins which are released exclusively here.
Four effects units — a re-texturizer that adds ’crazy stuff’ to your sounds, a stereo consolidator, a stereo separator and a destruction effect that combines several methods of disortion.
stretch mono signals into stereo, according to the signal level and wave shape

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