
Online Business

Paid to Review (PTR) is an Internet business program where we as a Blogger in the compulsory to write a review about the product / website / whatever in accordance with the wishes of the Advertiser (advertisers). Well, klo you have your own blog and already have a Google PageRank, why did you just try follow-up ga PLAY this business. The earnings are pretty, rather than the blog you are free ga had updated his writings, the better your business Include this PTR. To be able to follow this PTR business at least you should have a blog and already has a PageRank of at least two, and could klo blogs you should speak English, because most brokers PTR only accept English-language blog (although some brokers may receive blog in Indonesian language). After the criteria are met before, then you should do next is apply to broker-broker PTR. There are many PTR Broker on the Internet, some of which are: blog advertising, SponsoredReviews, Smorty, ReviewMe, etc..

Review us

In each review we usually on a paid between $ 2 - $ 500, depending on the value of our advertise on blogs. Because the higher the PageRank of your blog, the higher the value of a Blog. Oh yes, the PTR is the value of a business blog is not only determined by the Google PageRank, but some also see the PTR Broker Alexa Rank, Technorati Rank and Link Popularity to determine the value of a Blog. To increase the Alexa Rank, you can see here tips

If blog I suggest you speak Indonesian for SponsoredReviews follow-up same, because in addition to those who speak Indonesian to receive Blog we can also specify that we want to receive payment. We can determine our paid to blog between $ 5 - $ 500 per REVIEW. And for the English-language blog which you can follow-up with Blogsvertise, Smorty, ReviewMe, and many more cool ... But here we ga 'can we pay such nentuin in SponsoredReviews, so that we'm doing is waiting until there are Advertiser (advertisers) pengen Review us in the same (this is what makes males

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